The Morning
To see a band play in a tiny venue can lead to many possibilities. They might flop titanically in front of an indifferent group of locals. The lack of atmosphere might make them treat it like a rehearsal.
In the case of The Morning, playing in a corner of The Salisbury Arms in Christchurch, the band played an intimate gig with the guts, alcohol, and instrument abuse that tends to be reserved for the stadium.
TM play a kind of retro sounding version of indie/britpop. With a crunchy guitar noise leading the way, each song is based around a stop-start rhythm with the rockiest parts comparing with Alkaline Trio and the classic moments harking back as far as the Rolling Stones.
This is a band that have crafted a sound and written enough variation into each song to make the novelty last the whole set.
There were a couple of real stand out moments including a barrel full of really ear catching riffs, a carafe of great vocal work, and a jugful of all round tightness that kept things clean and tidy.
It would be nice if The Morning could do relatively well. Not only do they raise the bar on presentation, they are a darn sight more interesting than the ‘sounds exactly like…’ version of retro that gets far too much radio play these days.
The Morning Articles
Written by Fenton on