Spencers Parade
Anger Solves Nothing LP
Spencers Parade are a three piece nu-metal band playing an angsty rock metal.
The album commences with title track, ‘Anger Solves Nothing’. It’s an impressive opening number, comparable to The Used musically as well as in the vocals, which come boiling up in barks of rage.
The second track ‘Watch What You Say’, doens’t maintain the standard of its predecessor, which is a shame because I had high hopes. The problem here is a lack of variation in tone and melody, both of which were dynamic in the previous song. The guitars are a good point in this track, but they don’t save it.
Slipping in to a slightly more fast-punk style, ‘Enough is Enough’ sees the return of a good vocal. There is a great Bosstones style break in this song with syncopated guitars and a wandering bass line. This leads smoothly into ‘Forgot Before I Knew, which unites the styles from ‘Enough is Enough’ and ‘Anger Solves Nothing’.
‘Slow’ has an interesting intro, with the guitar and bass bouncing off each other. There are also moments in the verse and chorus that work well, although how it all fits together is questionable.
Penultimate track, ‘The A-Z of Me’ is another fast punk track. This style really isn’t as good as the rock metal material, although this song has it’s moment when it comes to the ending, which is more substantial and memorable than the rest of the song.
Final track, ‘Never Give Up’ is one of those anthemic end of CD moments with a hooky guitar riff in a stadium-sized intro. This is followed by some very Pavement-esque vocals in the verse and something a little off key in the chorus. An intelligent build up again shows promise in this track, leading to the hooky riff and chorus to end!
This album has some great moments, especially in that ace first track, but these moments are tempered by some minor fretting mistakes and a general lack of consistency in the vocals, which move between the brilliant guts of ‘Anger Solves Nothing’ to the out of tune chorus of ‘Never Give Up’.
It is always hard to take criticism, especially in respect of vocals, but Spencers Parade prove they can sing right at the start of the record. It’s the strength of that beginning that calls out the later moments.
With some work on those points, a brief examination of the lyrical content, and some more Used-esque style throughout, Spencers Parade will stand more of a chance.
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Written by Smith on