Dragoneye Morrison
Live (Little London / The Visitors)
The Visitors opened a moderately busy night at the Frog on the Front. Their overall sound was rather interesting, sounding like an Indie version of the Stereophonics. The two opening tracks were rather good, with plenty to commend this band to the audience. However, they did have a tendency to overplay the hooks a fair bit and the backing vocals were generally an offset repeat of the main vocal.
A few more harmonies in the chorus would be a good thing and they should hold back from relying so heavily on the catchy bits (after all, people will remember them if they are this catchy and you don’t want the novelty to wear off!) The Visitors have plenty of good things going on and if they can get lots of live performances behind them then I expect them to turn in to a slick band.
Second band, Little London, played a much heavier rock set with some moments of metal mixed in. Theirs was a big performance to back up the set with guitars being thrown aside when strings snapped and lots of movement on the small stage.
Humour was the cement between the songs and seemed to win over the parts of the audience that the music didn’t initially reach. Little London basically treated this gig like their most important gig ever, which is presumably what they do every time they play and that really is no bad thing.
Headliners, Dragoneye Morrison, musically grab you by the throat and don’t let go throughout their set. Fast riffs and pounding bass are the order of the day with a heavy sound that almost reaches brutal volume levels. Despite the onslaught of angry guitars and vocals, there are plenty of songs that leave their stamp on the brain with subtle hooks or a memorable vocal line or two.
Dragoneye Morrison looked and sounded like one of those bands which always seem to pop up in sci-fi films playing some seedy looking industrial construction with sparks flying everywhere from angle grinders.
I’m pretty sure I also detected some lyrics about making someone bleed. They may well have meant us… and we almost did!
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Written by Fenton on