Insert. Repeat. Roll Over. Sleep
Reading through the band’s literature, you wonder what to expect from this three-piece as the contradictions are certainly evident. However, bands are not made on what they say about themselves, they are made on what their music says about them.
First track, ‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilance’ feeds and splutters its way into life, evolving into an intriguing sound harking back to the early nineties. The vocals are recorded almost like an ethereal voice laid onto the music while the opening guitar riff has a touch of the U2s about it.
They certainly have something to reel you in and engage with the music. Despite little variance in the overall sound, it simply increases in its voracity and volume which keeps the attention. In fact it states on the back of the CD ‘to be played at maximum volume’, and it is true to its word; building up into a ball of rage which breaks and flows back, leaving a trail of destruction on its way to a heartfelt end.
With only two tracks on offer, this is literally a tiny taste of the Akira sound and ‘Soho was always there for me’ provides another out-of-body musical experience. Sounding like it’s been recorded in a dungeon, there is a constant sense of dread and darkness, with a just hint of salvation, which again builds to a climactic banging of drums and strained screaming vocals.
It’s this beauty and the beast style that grabs your attention. It’s much like living next door to a deaf Masochist; you can hear their wails and screams, you’re pleased they’re happy, but don’t really understand why.
Considering the scepticism I had before listening, Akira have managed to convince me, at least, that they aren’t half bad at all!
Akira Articles
Written by Bradshaw on