Live (Red Strike)
Red Strike are a rock ‘n’ roll trio originally hailing from Northern Ireland but now based in Glasgow. The early impression of the band is of being reminiscent of Therapy? but this might just be the accents and the three-piece heavy rock, as the band showed more varied influences throughout the show.
As the set continued there was a good diversification to the tunes on offer. The drums and bass kept the heavy rock/metal side going but the lead guitar and vocals hinted at a more indie rock style. There was even a sense of punk with ’24/7′ having that simple but full-on feel to it.
The falsetto and yelping vocals on the later songs in the set brought to mind the Von Bondies and there was certainly an element of The Kings Of Leon in the shuffle-based beats behind the song.
All in all, a set that offered variety and, whilst maybe not grabbing attention right away, laid a few markers for future performances.
Yuffie were headlining and also had to contend with the fact that this would be their last show with their current drummer. With auditions for a new drummer well underway, there was no sense of sorrow or lament and Yuffie came onstage promising to rock our asses… and hopefully offer a Spinal Tap-esque end to their departing sticks-man.
Perhaps that wouldn’t be achieved but the threat to rock was met easily within the first few songs as the band showcased a harder side to their music and easily surpassed the previous gig we covered, which was hampered by poor sound quality.
The menacing bass-line on ‘Massive Bereavement’ would placate Peter Hook such was the intensity and low-level buzz but it was a fun and fast set throughout.
Mid performance ‘Man With The Plan’ altered the set with its classic-era U2-esque guitar notes and echo-filled backdrop and was well received. Rockier live than on CD, it’s a well played song that adds tone and depth to the volume of the set.
Nearer the end of the performance, the mood turned into more hilarity as the focus seemed to turn to the fact that it was the end of an era, but the cover of Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat It’ went down a storm and shouldn’t be compared to the rather limp Alien Ant Farm remake of another Jacko song. In all honesty this reviewer would be happy never hearing any Jackson post 1970’s songs ever again, but there have been worse covers in recent times.
With a new drummer in the offing and a new-found sense of energy and optimism, the stage is set for Yuffie to continue their rise up the great Glasgow music scene.
Guest article from Andy R.
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