Popular Workshop
All About Vicki EP
It’s hard to distinguish just what exactly Popular Workshop are aiming for and what their influences are. Or maybe that’s just the point. Punk may be coming back into fashion but I’m not sure these guys have quite got it yet.
‘All About Vikki’ becomes a mash of noise at times making it hard to decipher a worthy riff. The vocals don’t seem to have anything special, but it’s a shame they get drowned out by the music at times because it doesn’t seem to be a fair representation of their capabilities.
The second track, ‘Pop Song’, lives up to his name and it’s obvious from the start that pop vocals definitely suit the singers voice more than the previous track. This is definitely the best of the record, highlighting the talent and potential seemingly missing from the opener.
‘Fuck Shit Up’ sees Popular Workshop return to that punk style with the potential to irritate. This is likely to do well on a punk scene, but it still seems they can’t quite make up their mind – punk or pop?
Written by Brayer on