Mind Gone Blind
Mind Gone Blind have certainly stood fast in the face of disaster, having spent six years coping with misfortune, illness and a succession of dodgy nicknames.
‘Unknown’ is the gene-modified crop of classic power-rock, which has had some indie-pop added to it’s DNA to help it fend-off the potential criticism that it’s a bit old fashioned. It does work to some extent and instead of sounding like something from the eighties, it actually sounds like Jimmy Eat World playing something by The Calling with The Darkness popping in for a cup of tea and a solo.
It may sound a bit like I’m casually casting this aside, which wouldn’t actually be fair as this is a really well written song that’s full of emotion, something that is definitely missing in a lot of music today and it also wouldn’t be fair to dismiss a band that’s full of talented musicians.
If this track was played to me in the context of an EP or album, with plenty of contrasting songs alongside it, I would have to say that it’s the rock-ballad that adds the emotional lighter-in-the-air track that any rock band would be proud to roll off at the end of a live show in front of a crowd so sweaty they steam.
Written by Fenton on