The Red Kites
Something’s Coming On
The Red Kites have popped up with several variations on the retro theme, from Starsky and Hutch riffery to classic rock and Britpop. This time around things are just as diverse, even in the context of this record which has all the elements we’d expect from this band all mixed up to create a musical smoothie.
‘Something’s Coming On’ hints at a U2 influence with echoing guitars leading the epic build up, joined by bass guitars and then drums in true stadium style before getting down to some riffing action for the verse. This is undoubtedly the most anthemic song that the Red Kites have ever released, with a new edginess that isn’t as easily pinned down as their previous recordings.
Sounding a bit more like their 2004 debut, ‘You Gotta Move’ adds the tempo changes and funk elements that earned them their reputation in the first place. ‘Angel in the Sand’ ends the demo with a plodding pace that pops The Stone Roses influence to the top of the list.
The Red Kites are re-staking their place with this release, proving that the best way to prove that you can write songs as good as the old favourites is to whack out something even better.
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Written by Fenton on