Waiting for Superman
A Part of Me
When you see the name Waiting for Superman, you don’t exactly get yourself ready for some serious power-rock music with vocal harmonies akin to the Lost Prophets, but that’s exactly what ‘A Part of Me’ has on offer.
After a rather impressive acoustic intro, the guitars keep things heading down dark, wet alleyways with their heavy tones and muddy distortion but things remain balanced by the bright vocals, which ebb and flow to match the mood of the song, building towards the harmonised hook of the chorus.
It’s a simple idea, just play heavy rock that sticks in people’s heads. However, if you’ve ever tried to do just that, you will know that it isn’t as easy as it sounds and it certainly isn’t as easy as Waiting for Superman make it sound with this demo.
I personally hope that Superman is coming by train, so we can keep this band around for as long as possible.
Written by Fenton on