Shallow Demo
Psychemodo may be a hooky combination of pop and rock, but you’d think you were in for a feast of metal and heavy rock looking at their promo shots. Fifty percent Bono’d Up in the sunglasses stakes, some serious pouting, and enough black clothes to make the celebrity fit club look slim.
Taking responsibility for opening the record and fully deserving it’s place, ‘I’m So Shallow’ kicks off with short sharp guitars and a mantra-style verse before a very long vocal led build up to the chorus. The song is so danceable that, if you have a bouncy sofa like me, you’ll probably find yourself testing the limits of the springs ( as well as the limits of the residents who are unlucky enough to live in the apartment below). With the song utilising lots of parts to pass the time faster than Marty McFly, there’s barely space for a blistering solo before it’s all over.
Cry thee not however, as the ultra-fresh ‘Never Going Back’ bubbles up to take its place with equally impressive snatch. Things step sideways from pop-rock to indie crispness, with the drummer getting more opportunities to tickle at the hi-hat or bounce around the toms. If you aren’t happy with a song until it has a sing-along chorus, you only have to wait until, well, the chorus!
‘Traffic Communist’ is a shade darker with a surprising lead-guitar break and possessed Sigourney Weaver backing vocals.
Depending on your mood when you listen to this, you could end up dancing, air-guitaring, lap-drumming, or grabbing that snooker cue in order to put in a great vocal performance for the benefit of the window that overlooks the brick wall of the department store next door.
What a fantastic triplet of songs that really hit the mark the first time you hear them. And the second time, third time…
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Written by Smith on