Fear Today, Gone Tomorrow
A lot of critics have had their say about Moonshot’s new album ‘Fear Today, Gone Tomorrow’ and, after having a listen myself I’m not quite sure if I trust the musical judgement of Toxic Pete (whoever he maybe) et al.
‘Fear Today, Gone Tomorrow’ opens with an electronic beat that hints towards an era of European electro pop that’s only heard on Eurotrash or across the continent’s weirdly themed Dutch bars. And while not all of it sounds as though it has come straight from the 80s, it leans towards its main influence from the start.
In places Moonshot sound very much like The Pet Shop Boys. I can’t admit that they top my list of favourite bands but in their prime they were selling thousands of albums and influenced a lot of people. But, as if Moonshot were admiring their piers, just minutes after this you catch a few lyrics you begin to consider the possibility that some of these tunes maybe a little tongue in cheek.
In places it begins to creep into a darker side of music with a moody synth introducing a number of songs and as this happens, the Moonshot vocals enter with lyrics about Linford Christie losing the gold or the whereabouts of James Bond. This only reinforces my thoughts that maybe I shouldn’t be taking Moonshot seriously.
Looking through the Moonshot press pack and their web site you get an impression this band are as serious as their pictures imply. And, having been around for a few years, this makes me consider that their music is more than just a pop at the 80’s. But let’s face it, the first time we watched Brass Eye we thought it was serious – it was only when someone told us the truth that we began to enjoy it for what it was. Maybe I’m not getting the joke or I’m missing the point completely but here, with this album, I’m honestly confused.
If you like 80’s synth pop with a slight sense of humour check this out. Otherwise the only reason to listen to this album is to decide whether it is serious or not.
Guest article from Matt C.
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