Before The Storm LP
You don’t get to support Snow Patrol without good reason, and there are plenty of good reasons why Ben Dlugokecki got the job ( although it’s not a decision completely without risk for the headliners themselves!) At times delicately constructed and at others cascading with instrumentation, ‘Before The Storm’ is a collection of Dlugokecki’s studio recordings, dating from 2003 to 2005.
The tracks are well spread between the three prevailing Dlugokecki-styles. The first is a hazy meadow-field of indie such as the opener, ‘Upon Landing’, ‘Belted In Safely’ with it’s sixpence-style guitars or the dusty ‘Bluebells and Bluebirds’. Each of these songs has a fantastic and unique way of finding it’s way to the chorus and there are some wonderful builds and falls to keep things way more interesting than your typical ‘band with an acoustic guitar’.
‘Clog Up The System’ is the brand-leader of the atmospheric style of songs that take on epic and cinematic proportions. It’s interesting rhythms with lots of individual parts for the instruments and melodies weaving in between the music.
Swaying acoustic songs also play a part in this record, not just leading the way between these other styles, but also capturing your heart with their emotion and with their beautiful simplicity. Now let’s think about the word ‘captivating’ for a second. I mean, really, think about it. The most appropriate definition I can find simply says: ‘To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence’.
Now we’ve thought about what the word means, I can be sure that you’ll understand what I mean when I say that this record is truly captivating right the way through. It’s the exceptional lyrics, the brilliant musicianship, the wonderful voice and most importantly, a whole series of songs that are, well, captivating.
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Written by Fenton on