Ride My Track
Roaring from Germany with a new three track EP – Fidget have obviously spent their years of touring and gigging wisely and the result is a tightly crafted, high energy punk-rock assault that will pin back ears and ignite mosh-pits alike.
Opener ‘Ride My Track’ hovers along on a solid flat-bed of Rage Against the Machine riffs, the neat trick of doubling guitar and bass on the same riff having a devastating impact on my little car’s speakers!
At the centre of the furore front woman Darline wails and wails like she’s barking orders at a regiment of unruly punk cavalry men – while backing vocalists bark her orders right back at her in possibly the angriest call and answer chorus section heard round these parts in a long time.
B-side ‘Better Than This’ continues the tirade, crashing riff after riff out of the amps into the air like their lives depended on it.
Of course nothing’s perfect ( unless your listening to Pet sounds – and even then I have to program out Sloop John B cos Brian didn’t want it on there) and there are slight weaknesses here.
While the band would be a fantastic proposition live, on record a little variety in the dynamics and song writing wouldn’t go amiss. Further while the band whip up a seismic noise behind her, Darline doesn’t possess quite enough power to match it and make the tunes all about her. This is thrown into even sharper focus by the fact that the backing vocalist has an incredibly powerful voice that could easily pull it off.
But such nit-picking is just that – nit-picking and cant deny the fact that this is a strong release, powerful, loud and performed by a very tight and muscular band. Good Stuff.
Guest article from Ben M.
Fidget Articles
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