Live (The Brakes / Cat The Dog / Matt English Band / The Dirty Social Disorder / Nat Jenkins)
Kicking off so early that I barely got a glimpse of the sea. The Thursday night of Brighton Live at the lovely Audio started as it meant to go on: laid back, boozy (forgive the probably incorrect running order!) and fun.
A feeling of camaraderie settled on the evening as one band came and another went and Brighton’s fashionistas strutted their stuff to the consistently great music. And hats off to the sound guy, who kept the levels just above the conversation and helped the relaxed, sing along vibe – not the boomy PA nightmare found in so many small venues nowadays.
First off, I caught the end of Eamon from The Brakes’ set, which was a solid acoustic performance, going down well in the already crowded bar. However, it was Cat The Dog (new signings on Virgin) that really started getting the crowd going with a stripped down live set and the shambolic but accomplished acoustic feel of Lies-era Guns N’ Roses. Definitely ones to watch and the highlight of the evening.
The bluegrass feel of The Matt English Band carried on the communal music appreciation, with a good few impromptu ‘yee-haw’s emanating from the audience. They only played a couple of tunes but made the most of their short time on stage.
‘Early Morning Soundtrack’ strummed away whole heartedly, followed by a set of bluesy reworkings by local boys The Dirty Social Disorder, including a rousing rendition of ‘Dirty Money’ that sounded like a young Robert Plant in full moody swing.
A couple of Towers Of London then took to the decks and played some great rockers, including Iggy, early Aerosmith and (why not?!) Thin Lizzy.
Nat Jenkins finished things off, bringing back the rockabilly vibe and topping off a fantastic bill and turning an enthused crowd out on to the streets of Brighton to seek out more Brighton Live gigs – I wish every Thursday was like this!
Guest article from David S.
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