The Clerks
The Dissidents
A fine addition to the art/goes/pop label, The Clerks embody the essence of the label with their punky-disco-pop concoctions that surf on the darker side of life. As ex film students their music paints a narrative picture, but they’re using a paint box of their own devising.
Sweet melodies and soothing harmonies disguise a brooding film noir-ish lyrical bent which, when heard as a complete package, makes for compelling listening. On first hearing ‘The Dissidents’, the Pet Shop Boys at their finest springs to mind, such as the catchy pop energy of this track, but it is much darker than Mr Tennant could ever go. There is a dirty 70’s new wave feel to this single that would make Blondie blush with pride and patrons of Studio 64 or CBGB’s cream it on the dance floor.
The mix of male/female vocals works brilliantly. The insistent drum beat, driving vocals and melodic guitar combine to form a hypnotic track that lingers long after the last note has faded.
B-side number ‘Still’ is equally impressive. At first, it opens like a Kaiser Chiefs track but the synth-like vocals of Alexandra soon dispel that misconception. When Maximillien joins in the vocal duties it is simply double the pleasure, double the fun. This track screams chart success. It’s catchy, bouncy, a bit moody and fresh meat for tired ears.
Although The Clerks clearly grab influences from bands past, they have a sound all their own. Their music is effervescent like an alka-seltzer the morning after a bender. Download this single now and get in on the ground floor because this band should be going to the penthouse suite in no time.
Guest article from Hayley C.
Watch The Clerks – The Dissidents.
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