Whisper in the Riot
Second Hand EP
Melodic metal is the route taken by Whisper in the Riot, who put as much enigmatic thought into their lyrics as they have their name. As far as the metal goes, there’s a combination of blast, shred and scream to tick that box and the melodic is inserted forcefully thanks to songwriting that’s sensitive to the fact that not everyone can take a full onslaught of metal mayhem for too long.
‘We’re All Superheroes’ seems to capture the spirit of things as well as any of these songs, slipping effortlessly from an almost-emo angsty vocal right through to a bleeding-throated scream. No shortage of guts in that voice!
‘Follow Me and Fall’ is a bit too theatrical for my tastes, albeit with a nice crunchy breakdown just before the halfway mark, but ‘No Excuses for Reason’ steals the show with its wandering guitar line and fantastic bass guitar.
Whisper in the Riot have four songs to be proud of on this record and, while it may not be to everyone’s taste, it’ll easily find a home in the hearts of the metal and hardcore lovers out there.
Watch Whisper in the Riot – Second Hand (Live).
Written by Fenton on