Live (Plastic Toys / Trauma Pet / Anon / Pretty Trash)
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Before researching Pretty Trash, I thought that this must have been one of their first live shows, but apparently not. Perhaps the huge Plastic Toys/Amoki audience unsettled their nerves, but their performance was rather embarrassing to watch.
Frontman Krissi’s perpetual undressing and messing around onstage seemed rather pointless, and really drew attention away from the music. The four other musicians (Jim, Dave, Chris and lead guitarist Adi), who seem to be very talented, kept away from the stage antics,. If the band embraced this humbler ‘let the music speak for itself’ attitude, they could go far.
There is no fault with their music itself, which is really fun, catchy, and entirely credible. I’d be very interested in seeing them play live again, if they appeared to take themselves slightly more seriously.
This was the second time I was lucky enough to see Anon live, and again they delivered an awesome performance. It’s great fun to look back at the crowd and see them open-mouthed and speechless!
Main man Mike’s confidence at playing live has really blossomed since December, and you can tell that he loves what he’s doing. A girl near to me asked Wilts what type of music they played, and he simply replied ‘noise’. But this is well-orchestrated, musical ‘noise’ which never fails to grab you by the throat and force you to pay attention. I have such high hopes for Anon and cannot stress enough how important it is for people to watch them live.
Trauma Pet
Trauma Pet have been around for a while and have built up a strong fan base in Southampton and wherever else they appear. It is clear to see that Elie and Tara deeply appreciate this support in their heartfelt words of thanks between songs.
With her beautiful and enticing vocals, Elie looks so comfortable on stage, as do all the members (Tara, Sean and Phil) whose stage presence is brilliant. New songs ‘Love The Abuse’ and ‘Trashed’ are sure to become firm favourites with veteran followers, and, I’m sure, will have helped pick them up a few new fans tonight.
Plastic Toys
Due to Plastic Toys’ huge appeal, I was stuck at the back of the venue during their performance! However, from what I could see, they look to be great fun.
Their style and presence put one in mind of the more likeable aspects of early Rachel Stamp. Their music is well-written and fun, so it is easy to see why they are so popular, indeed, when they announced their last song of the evening there was audible disappointment.
I look forward to seeing them headline in the future, where they will hopefully have more time to appease their hungry audience. And next time I’ll remember not to relinquish my place at the front just before they come on stage!
What can I say about Amoki that surely hasn’t been said a hundred times before?
(Now former) frontman Kai entered the stage to screaming and whistling from a crowd determined to give him a good send-off upon his unfortunate retirement from Amoki.
They encompass perfectly timed aggression and beautiful brutality, and sent the audience into tears toward the end of the night, and justly so. What a fantastic honour to witness these masterful musicians going out with a bang.
Guest article from Louise G.
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