The Wombats
Lost in the Post
The Wombats are one of those bands who just seem unable to do any wrong at the moment. Lauded at home and abroad (at the time of this single release, in July of last year, they’d already earned rapturous plaudits in Canada and China), every release they proffer is being gobbled up by the waiting masses, and little wonder.
‘Lost in the Post’ is a quirky, quintessentially English song, propelled on a jaunty rhythm, all topped off with a sing/shout along chorus as good as anything the current doyens of British Indie have brought to the party in years. Matthew Murphy’s vocal delivery is crisp but individual, while the instrumentation is snappy and insistent.
Second track ‘Patricia the Stripper’ is equally splendid, recounting the story of féted love between the main character and a pole dancer. Despite its subject matter, the song positively bounces along.
These are the kind of songs that XFM was invented for. This band should be huge. Get in on the act early.
Guest article from Haydon S.
Watch The Wombats – ‘Lost in the Post’.
The Wombats Articles
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