Club Le Shark
Hungry For The Blood EP
These chaps got into The Mag’s MP3 chart two months running with the opening track on the EP, ‘Happy Hour’. It’s not a re-make of the House Martins track either, much more of a rock ‘n’ roll meets punk with wiry guitar riffs.
‘Bad Girls’ is a more indicative track for this band – much more of a sordid cock-rocker with a chorus that’s equal parts cliche and pleasure (‘bad girls go to hell’ isn’t a line to win an originality award, but it’s right at home in this song).
You could size Club Le Shark up against anyone from the ‘rawk list’ – Aerosmith, AC/DC, you know the types! It’s a style that’s definitely living on in the unsigned circuit and Club Le Shark are a part of it. Not in a willing, revivalist ‘let’s do some classic rock’ kind of way, just in a ‘we want to have a party’ way.
The song with the most serious promise on this EP is ‘Rock n Roll Angels’, which features the best vocals on the record.
You can’t judge this band just on this record (although it’s alright) – there’s an attitude and a live performance that also factor really heavily in the overall package and, while they might not come across at their best on the plastic disk, they’re well worth a look.
Written by Fenton on