Girl Meets Boy
Coming Out
Describing themselves as Alice In Chains meets Alice In Wonderland, Girl Meets Boy mix hefty guitars with a big rock-vixen vocal on this EP. ‘Coming Out’ is a rock-stomp with an assertive riff, the chorus picks up the pace and contrasts with the verse.
The next song is less obvious and has a killer melody. ‘Wonder’ really lets the vocal shine, with a loose looped beat and rich acoustic guitar.
I really like ‘Lie To Me’, the vocal is sweet and the guitar line is a classic. The pre-solo section with atmospheric instrumentation and eerie harmonies is excellent. This track is my favourite song on this record.
The record ends with another stomping rock track, ‘Stray’. The drum beat drags its heels a little in this track and needs a bit more variation, but the bass line kicks and the guitars leave some nice space in the track to add a bit of spice.
My suggestion for this band would be to maybe add a bit more backing harmony to some of the chorus lines to help the songs really kick and also to take care not to allow a formula to creep into the song-writing, but otherwise Girl Meets Boy have got their rock-out sound sewn-up.
Written by Beck on