The Tacticians
Hardcore Porn
Except for the lyrics, The Tacticians are a power-pop band who have received fair comparisons to The Kinks.
Rather than meeting a lovely young chap in a dress in Soho, though, The Tacticians lament an old girlfriend that turned to porn films to pay her rent. Presumably, she made money hand over fist?
‘Hardcore Porn’ is a mix of a chirpy tune and almost-plaintive lyrics. I say almost as there is a certain tongue-in-cheek playfulness in the chorus, with the admission that he remembers her by watching one of the films.
A ‘bap-ba’ ending, borrowed from the nineties, seals the deal and supplies the money-shot ending to a well-scripted song. In fact, there’s more story in this song than there is in your average porn flick.
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