Band Of Skulls
Sweet Sour LP
Band of Skulls release of their second album Sweet Sour next Monday, February 20th, and this is certainly one you shouldn’t miss. There are ten songs here that display the artistic genius of a band who have always had a spark of creativity fizzing distinctly to their very surface.
From the rhythmic title track ‘Sweet Sour’ to the excellent single ‘Bruises’, Band Of Skulls show off what you can do when you tear up the rule book. There is no band that really sounds like this and the syncopated melodies, double-lead-vocal and jarring chops shouldn’t sound this good – but they do.
I’m a particular fan of ‘Wanderluster’ with its out-of-kilter cleverness. Perhaps the song title is a nod to fellow Southampton band Delays or maybe everything looks like a face if you stare at it long enough in the dark.
I’m seeing this album described as indie quite a bit, but this is only true some of the time. When it rocks, it totally rocks.
Written by Fenton on