Lauran Hibberd
I’m Insecure
Quirky alt-pop with a buzzy edge, Lauran Hibberd’s ‘I’m Insecure’ has a stuttery format with a great flowing chorus. You know the drill by now, people, there’s a lot of fun, but also something substantial underneath.
So the format is a mix of a real stop-start verse, a rap section, and a hooky chorus. The effect is rather excellent, the changes acting as snaps to bring your attention back to the song. It’s like Weezer meets Sleeper!
I’m insecure I want to go home
I got a bad case of imposter syndrome
I’m insecure what a big fat mess
The damage is done I need a brand new head
The instrumentation is complex. The guitar and bass in the verse pick an interesting motif, with things getting palm-muted power-chord chug in the pre-chorus, before morphing into big strumming crunch in the chorus. The drums keep it all glued together, solid and big tones that really slam in the build-up and keeping it simple outside of the verse to make things wash along with class.
We can’t get enough of Hibberd… Garageband Superstar can not come quickly enough.
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Written by Fenton on