15 Again
Long-time Suede fans are going to lap this song up, but after ‘She Still Leads Me On’ this new single will also cement new folks into the Suede fanclub, I’m sure.
The first verse has almost punk vibes, a dark twisting thread with a stomping beat and a Mick Jones guitar flavour that is literally echoed stylistically in the vocal treatment. It’s punchy and is gone in the blink of an eye, but you’re already prepared for the kick-in.
Nothing is as bad as the time we kill
Sitting in the bathroom in kitten heels
But people seem to know how we feel
The chorus, though, is shimmering with pop splendour. Soaring sweet melody knitted into melancholic lyrics. It’s a combination Suede have used before and it speaks to people. There’s an artfulness to how they paint the emotion in their songs and ’15 Again’ is like a showcase for this.
15 again
Oh what a wasted love
We all sting in our hearts
You can only love where this music is going. My excitement for Autofiction is off the scale.
If you listen to the two new singles back to back, you’ll notice how different they are. At the same time, the way the band plugs directly into your feels is as consistent as it is brilliant.
Good luck avoiding the repeat button when you play this one.
Suede Articles
Written by Fenton on