One More Time
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Good god… this song grabs you by the aorta and yanks on your heart. If the lyrics don’t crush you, the montage at the back end of the video will have you blubbering.
‘One More Time’ is a song that basically encapsulates all the regrets about letting stuff get in the way of your awesome bands and the amazing friends within. ‘Strangers, from strangers into brothers,’ Tom begins the song and you know exactly what he’s talking about. Mark adds an emotional punch in the second verse that hits home:
I wish they told us, it shouldn’t take a sickness
Or airplanes falling out the sky
Wow. This song aches. It’s got a flavour of their 2003 eponymous album, even echoing some of the lyrics. But, it’s all stripped back to let that feeling really dominate. Bask in the lyrics, let the music wash over you, have a couple of towels ready to soak up all those tears.
This single choked me up. It will choke up anyone who’s been following along. Bravo.
Watch blink-182 – ‘One More Time’.
One More Time Lyrics
Strangers, from strangers into brothers
From brothers into strangers once again
We saw the whole world but I couldn’t see the meaning
I couldn’t even recognize my friendsOlder, but nothing’s any different
Right now feels the same I wonder why
I wish they told us, it shouldn’t take a sickness
Or airplanes falling out the skyDo I have to die to hear you miss me
Do I have to die to hear you say goodbye
I don’t want to act like there’s tomorrow
I don’t want to wait to do this one more time
One more time, one more, one more time, one more timeI miss you, took time but I admit it
It still hurts even after all these years
And I know that next time, ain’t always gonna happen
I gotta say I love you while we’re hereDo I have to die to hear you miss me
Do I have to die to hear you say goodbye
I don’t want to act like there’s tomorrow
I don’t want to wait to do this one more time
One more time, one more, one more time, one more time
One more time (one more time), one more, one more time (one more time), one more time
I miss you
blink-182 Articles
Written by Fenton on