Air Drawn Dagger
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There’s something cool about how the chorus drops a smart rhythmic change in ‘GhostsGhostsGhosts’. But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself! Air Drawn Dagger have a new song out, and it’s excellent.
The intro has palm-muted chords and vocal, it then slams into the choppy transition into that amazing chorus. The epic sound is something like MCR’s Black Parade. The video has a blue theme, neatly executed, with the sheet-draped ghosts supplying the haunting phantoms referred to in the lyrics.
The melodic calls of ‘all I can see’ and ‘I hear their screams’ make certain the song will stick in your head. It’s not the kind of song you forget. The very subtle Whovian note smuggled in by the keyboards brings a certain sci-fi miasma to the chorus.
This band has a habit of writing Gothic novels as four-minute rock songs and they have been getting better and better over the course of the past few years.
Watch Air Drawn Dagger – ‘GhostsGhostsGhosts’.
GhostsGhostsGhosts Lyrics
I’ve got toothpicks keeping my eyelids up
I’m licking battery acid
Eating tacks for lunch
This catacombs my true home
And heavens’ when I’m all alone
I’m pulling petals gifting nettles
This is all that I know
I only smile when I feel the bile rising up in meAll I can see
Are the phantoms haunting me
I hear their screams
As the wind blows through the trees(Wait, wait did I win yet?
I’m gonna pile the wood so high
I’ll set the entire kingdom ablaze
And they’ll never see me coming
Not today not today)Had enough time to make me realise
Only make it through the day if the sunsets’ in time
Counting my blessing I’ve been keeping a tally
Can you please tell me if I’ll ever be happyI hope the world falls apart
If I get everything I want and still have a dead heart
We don’t need another yearning anthem
I got everything I want and I’m still a heartless phantom
Air Drawn Dagger Articles
Written by Fenton on