Militarie Gun
Life Under The Gun LP
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Just recently I was trying to find my copy of Thank You, Goodnight by White Light Motorcade, because there just aren’t enough modern rock and roll bands. Well, what do you know but I ended up stumbling across Militarie Gun and they were just the kind of sound I was after.
In Life Under The Gun, the band delivers track after track of full-bodied rock tracks with plenty of flair. There’s a confident brilliance to their songs, and they have that feeling of pushing faders right to the edge.
You can hear Ian Shelton’s hardcore roots in the vocal delivery, full-bodied and tinged with fry. Musically, the sound points more to the aforementioned White Light Motorcade, Northern Uproar, The Clash, and perhaps The Sherlocks as a more contemporary comparison.
With this band, Shelton can explore melodic angles and instrumental interplay without losing the gritty edge. Is there a better demonstration of this than their opening number ‘Do It Faster’, which I offer as a total masterpiece.
This album plays so well start-to-finish that I’m sure it’s going to be on my list of “albums I listen to as albums” – those rarities where you’ll make room in your schedule to listen to the whole thing, in the order the band selected.
Go and listen to Life Under The Gun and just see if I’m wrong!
Will Logic Video
Watch Militarie Gun – ‘Will Logic’.
Militarie Gun Articles
Written by Fenton on