Stand Atlantic - Girls. The band is dressed in white, and have been dragged across a white floor leaving a gruesome trail of blood

Stand Atlantic

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If you were to plot a chart rating tone over the past decade, you’d agree that Stand Atlantic have been trending upwards on the angst axis. Well, prepare for a surprise outlier in ‘LOVE U ANYWAY’.

Light, bouncy, and sentimental, this single is a rare love song resplendent in gentle instrumentation and sweet lyrics. Despite the floor-to-ceiling cuteness, there are still elements that you’re more likely to find in a Stand Atlantic song than in what you might call a more traditional love song… ‘I don’t like hearing the truth in everything you say / I’m sick of looking at you, but love you anyway.’

Musically, it’s light and airy. Lots of acoustic guitar washing through the intro and a sparse verse which has very subtle Chris Isaac undertones, and a bouncy chorus.

love u anyway is the first explicit love song i’ve ever done. i tried to draw on my experience of how i felt in relationships that have huge ups and massive lows – u get addicted to the cycles together but ultimately you hold onto the idea that you will love each other through it all… spoiler alert it did not last forever for me but the song’s message is still cute as hell so the lyrics STAY!!!

Bon Fraser

The song will join ‘Girl$’ on Stand Atlantic’s next album, Was Here, which will drop on 23rd August 2024.

Love U Anyway Video

Watch Stand Atlantic – ‘LOVE U ANYWAY’.

Love U Anyway Lyrics

You know they’ll never get you like I do
I don’t really care what they got to say
We’re the only ones making our own rules
Nothing’s enough, we’re bruised but I still stay

I know you’re right here
Why do you feel a world away?
I hate that

She only likes to think the worst of me
Then has the nerve to come and say sorry
I don’t like hearing the truth in everything you say
I’m sick of looking at you, but love you anyway
We call it home and they call it fury
Don’t think she knows that she’d nevеr lose me
I don’t like hеaring the truth in everything you say
I’m sick of looking at you, but love you anyway

Bullets out your mouth when your heart feels cold
Doing everything that I can to kill your pain
I’m only ever trying to make it work
Hope you never think of me as just a waste

Oh, I know that you’re right here
I still feel like you’re a world away
You’re right here
Sweet escaping in the life of a sinner
I hate that

She only likes to think the worst of me
Then has the nerve to come and say sorry
I don’t like hearing the truth in everything you say
I’m sick of looking at you, but love you anyway
We call it home and they call it fury
Don’t think she knows that she’d never lose me
I don’t like hearing the truth in everything you say
I’m sick of looking at you, but love you anyway

I don’t like hearing truth in everything you say
I’m sick of looking at you, but love you anyway
But love you anyway

I’m sick of looking at you, I love you anyway

Written by Fenton on

Steve Fenton writes in our music, words, and culture categories. He was Editor in Chief for The Mag and covered live music for DV8 Magazine and Spill Magazine. He was often found in venues throughout the UK alongside ace-photographer, Mark Holloway. Steve is also a technical writer and programmer and writes gothic fiction. Steve studied Psychology at OSC, and Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-1978 at the University of Reading.

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