Die So Fluid - Dispute

Die So Fluid

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Die So Fluid are working on a new album called Skin Hunger, which has already hit its $5k funding goal on Indiegogo. Their new single, ‘Dispute’, gives us a taste of things to come.

This is a band with a great signature sound, chunky bass drives things along and the guitar works magic in bringing different atmospherics to the sound. It’s metal, but there are some punk angles baked in. This song swoops with ease between all these, contrasting the angsty moments with soaring melodic sections.

It’s about the world’s addiction to conflict, the type of person who feels entitled to dominate your conversation with their own political agenda presuming you will agree, and the re-balancing of masculine and feminine, addressing antiquated conditioning.

Die So Fluid have a string of incredible albums and Skin Hunger will be a huge relaunch, especially if there are more songs like ‘Dispute’ on the record.

Die So Fluid photo.

Dispute Visualizer

Inspired by Metalocalypse, the colour purple, triangles, elements, and chakras. Don’t be brainwashed or bullied into adopting someone else’s opinion, or into mindlessly and violently opposing it! Consider with discernment, and trust your own inner wisdom.

Watch Die So Fluid – Dispute (Visualizer).

Dispute Lyrics

I have been given too much advice
More than I asked for
More than I’d like
There is a point where you just have to act
The floodgates are about to break
I dispute your facts

Yours is the loudest voice because you think you’re right
Why don’t you take a breath and see what peace is like?

Tell me again how we are good friends
Then when it suits you, it’s a rule you bend
One day you’ll lose it all
We all lose what we have
The playing fields are levelled
Naked you will stand

Yours is the loudest voice because you think you’re right
Why don’t you take a breath and see what peace is like?
I can shout but I prefer to be wise
It’s not a competition and there is no prize

I’m calling bullshit
I wasn’t asking to be fixed

There is a point where you just have to act
The floodgates are about to break
I dispute your facts.
One day you’ll lose it all
We all lose what we have
The playing fields are levelled
Naked you will stand

Written by Fenton on

Steve Fenton writes in our music, words, and culture categories. He was Editor in Chief for The Mag and covered live music for DV8 Magazine and Spill Magazine. He was often found in venues throughout the UK alongside ace-photographer, Mark Holloway. Steve is also a technical writer and programmer and writes gothic fiction. Steve studied Psychology at OSC, and Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-1978 at the University of Reading.

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