Old Neon
Maybe This Is All There Is EP
We’ve followed Old Neon for a while and they’re a band that keep putting out big songs. You might have noticed we can’t really mention their music without words like epic or anthemic coming up at regular intervals. So, the challenge for today is to avoid saying epic or anthemic for the duration of our discussion of their new EP, Maybe This Is All There Is.
Well, the EP starts with the earth-trembling ‘Keep Your Misery’, with soaring melodies and a great big rousing chorus. The guitar motif anchors the song, and everything feels thick and rich. It’s lovely.
‘Empty Frames’ continues the theme, ‘this god damn house is cracking up’ punches the chorus, overflowing with pain. The middle eight provides a moment to match the lyrics, but my goodness this band needed a label like the old Drive Thru to throw this band into a van alongside The Early November, Allister, and Homegrown for a tour.
Things take a turn for ‘Whatever Helps You Sleep At Night’, which has an airy verse to contrast with the stirring chorus. The clean melodic hook that haunts the song is great. The guitars are all dialled to near cleanness, which gives the song a completely different tone.
The last song on the EP is a new recording of ‘Just Friends’ featuring Heading North’s Asha Edson. The song has the spark of Fleetwood Mac wrapped in early Paramore. The chorus hook of ‘I just don’t know’ fires like a beam of light across a dark sky. Completely, erm, large and exhilarating.
I think we did it. We covered all four songs without using the words… well, the words. It wouldn’t have been possible without our trusty thesaurus. Go and listen to this absolutely epic and utterly anthemic record!
Listen to Old Neon – ‘Empty Frames’.
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Written by Fenton on