Air Drawn Dagger - Apparitions

Air Drawn Dagger
Apparitions / Castle

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Blam. The song hits you and doesn’t let up. Yes, we’d normally write an introduction but Air Drawn Dagger aren’t waiting around for anyone.

Let’s try and squeeze in the admin in the gap between playbacks. ‘Apparitions’ features Tobi Duncan from Trashboat and matches previous single ‘Castle’ punch for punch in intensity. The thing Air Drawn Dagger always achieve is this overwhelming sense of urgency in the song. They self-describe as an eclectic mix of electronic, grunge, punk, and angst-pop sounds and I’m willing to add my seal of approval to this.

I’ve added their previous singles, like ‘Stigmata’ and ‘GhostsGhostsGhosts’, to my epic playlist, which has all the songs I’m happy to hear over and over. There are nearly 500 songs – around 35 hours of listening – and lots of bands from legends to unsigned gems. Something you have to credit this band with is you know it’s them really fast.

A return to big guitar riffs, it’s time to take accountability for the mess we’re in or accept our fate. On the other side of this song is an element of the hurt, and sometimes anger, you feel once you realise you’ve outgrown areas of your life and belief systems you held onto for so long. Relish in letting go of what no longer serves you, they’ll have to cross realms if they want to reach you.

Featuring Tobi from Trash Boat, we knew this breakdown was the heaviest point of the album, the fight scene, the crescendo; and required an extra element to complete this track.

‘Apparitions’ is backed by the previous single, ‘Castle’. It’s just as urgent and anthemic. The pre-chorus ‘and you will know my name’ is a huge hook and the chorus itself has the heavy solidity of a thick curtain wall.

This song was inspired by a painting in Nottingham Castle’s Rebellion Gallery that captures the night voting reform was thrown out by the Duke of Nottingham (1831). The reform was supposed to give more people the vote and remove the worst excesses of the system. The people responded by burning the Castle on 10th October 1831.

Two substantial and wonderful tracks. I’m looking forward to the album, A Guide For Apparitions, which is out on April 6th, 2025.

Apparitions Video

Apparitions Lyrics

We’re so lost
And we don’t wanna be found

You make me feel itchy
Under my skin right to my bones
Please don’t tempt me
I been feeling so alone

I tried for years to make this house home
So I took control went off on my own

Do I repel you now
I’ve become what you use to be
Do you resent me now
You’d have to cross realms just to reach me

Now with the venomous eyes from my mother
Brain set to escape from father

I’ll be cutting the ties
Hope you realise
One day they’ll see through your disguise

We all have our share of storms
But you do it yourself
I’m too damn busy for apparitions
They’re not good for my health
You’re tied to the pyre
I am too
If I gag the choir
Am I becoming you
From the rain I will abstain
But you do it yourself

I’ve been crushed by the undergrowth before
Suffocated by the moss but I swallowed every spore

You hate your lifes tapestry but you forget your the weaver
You could try to reach me but I live in the ether

Made my escape
But I’m loud
Stay away don’t try to track me down
I’ve loved
I’ve lost
I’ll never be found
Once I’m lost I’ll never be found

Castle Video

Castle Lyrics

If your names in my mouth again
I hope my tongue falls out my face
If I remember I was the villain
Hope my memory gets erased

You came in like bull
When all was quiet
That shit you tried to pull
Almost started a riot

The spill of blood becomes a stain
And you won’t know my name
So take the benzocaine
I’m about the light the flames

Whens the castle gonna crumble
When will it all burn down in flames
Singing unholy hallelujahs
Cause the lies all taste the same
When’s the castle gonna crumble
When will it all burn down in flames
The crimson clouds
Surround this town
But I refuse to be the one to blame

I wish your heart would stop
I wish your veins would rot
I hope that parasites fill your brain

You’re like a vampire
A leech a bloodsucker
But your mortality keeps me sane

The curse put on this house
Is starting to lift now
Don’t hunt what you can’t kill
Your loss will always be my gain

And you will know my name
And you will know my name

I pulled out a card
It showed me hag
She was beautiful and ancient and she whispered raise the flag
I pulled out a card
It showed me the hag
She’s gonna end it all
She’s gonna end it all

Written by Fenton on

Steve Fenton writes in our music, words, and culture categories. He was Editor in Chief for The Mag and covered live music for DV8 Magazine and Spill Magazine. He was often found in venues throughout the UK alongside ace-photographer, Mark Holloway. Steve is also a technical writer and programmer and writes gothic fiction. Steve studied Psychology at OSC, and Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-1978 at the University of Reading.

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