Kennedy Sunday
Kennedy Sunday could be a band just like any other; trying to get their songs heard, doing the usual rounds of begging people to listen and releasing tracks for fans to hear. However, they’ve decided to rise above all that by getting a bit clever with their next EP. Rather than releasing some samples of the record, they’re going to let you hear the whole lot… eventually. You see, you’re going to get one song and when enough people have listened to it, they’ll give you the next one.
I was intrigued enough to want to know a bit more about these chaps, so I invited myself into their lives in order to poke my nose around in their business.
Who are Kennedy Sunday?
Kennedy Sunday consists of Rev. J (James Elliott), Jackson Black (Jon Jackson), Dave The Chemist (Dave Pothecary) and BuzzHD (Stevan Burrows).
What made you think of the idea of posting a new track every time the previous one gets 750 plays?
Rather than putting all of the tracks online at once, we decided it would get more of a ‘buzz’ about the band going if we added them one by one. This way, the fans have to listen to the song that’s there to get another one to listen to!
Is there anything significant about the number 750?
We worked out that 750 plays would mean that we were adding a new song every 3 or 4 days and, with a couple of weeks till our EP is released, we thought this was the best figure!
How many tracks will be added in total?
All six tracks from the EP will be added before it’s release on the 25th Sept. We’re not sure which 4 will stay for good though!
Do the tracks get better each time, or is it a fairly random order?
The tracks are going online in the order they are on the CD. As for getting better each time, we’ve spent a lot of time on all of the songs and would like to think they’re all as good as each other. Our songs all sound different to each other, so we’d like to think the EP provides a lot of variety for the listener.
What is your motivation for letting people hear your music for free?
We’ve worked really hard on these songs and we just want people to hear them. It’s difficult getting people to buy your CD when they don’t have a clue who you are! So this way, people get to hear what we’re all about and we get feedback as to what everything thinks – everyone wins!
Indeed they do. The fans get to hear the whole EP, new people get to hear the whole record, and the band gets plenty of attention (you could say that I fell for the gimmick, but I actually like the way they’re thinking!)
Kennedy Sunday Articles
Written by Fenton on