Daughters Courageous
Squeezed onto a stage that held so much equipment it resembled the loading bay at Glastonbury festival, Daughters Courageous still managed to sound very much like they were headliners rather than first band on.
With soaring melodies and epic compositions, the overall sound was a swirling epicentre of raging emotional rock with the tight interaction between bass and drums being one of the many highlights of their set.
Daughters Courageous have got plenty of decent material. ‘Face The Last Wall’, ‘Cramps in Tight Places’, ‘Courageous Daughter’… they don’t seem to be able to get it wrong. Instrumentally, everything shines and the vocal operates over twenty notches of awesome.
It was evident that the lack of on-stage space was a problem, restricting the performance to a subtle choreography of collision-avoiding movements but despite this, we witnessed an historic great performance.
The heavier moments will make your ears bleed and the rest will make your heart bleed.

Daughters Courageous Articles
Written by Fenton on