Blue and green record exploding into shards

Eyes Closed EP

I know this CD is going to be good even though it’s gone nowhere near the stereo yet. Before you ask, it’s not because I’ve been bowled over by the press release pointing out they have supported the likes of The Answer, Toby Jepson (ex Little Angels), and The Ga Gas. Nor is it that I’ve been struck dumb by such proclamations that BBC Radio (they don’t specify which), Total Rock Radio, and Channel 4 have played their stuff. Nope, it’s not even the fact they were nominated for a Vodafone Live Music Award that’s getting my juices flowing. Oh no. Put simply, it’s because I’ve heard it all before – and I mean that in both senses of the phrase.

‘Missing In Me’ (track 2 here) is the third MP3 they’ve listed on The Mag, and for those of you who keep an eye on these sorts of things, I suspect both previous tracks, ‘Eyes Closed’ and ‘Blue Sky’, are on your playlist. If they’re not, well you’re either (a) not a rock fan, or (b) think I’m talking a load of steaming guff.

For those who missed both tunes the first time around, let me say this; if you feel your head involuntary nodding when ‘Highway To Hell’ comes on the radio; have been known to leap off the bed playing a mean air guitar to ‘Love In A Elevator’ or even managed to get what The Darkness were about before the dire second album (and subsequent rehab), then you will like Zenyth. Period.

It’s classic hard rock the way classic hard rock should be. Yes, you could say you’ve heard it all before (and you are probably right) however, Zenyth are not just about imitation. No, they have more than that going on.

Put it this way… My neurological jukebox is stuck on permanent random play. Whatever I’m doing, the darkest regions of my hedonistic brain select a song for the occasion and, if the occasion calls for it, the rock war chest is cracked open and a suitability titled ditty starts spinning. I have no control over this (be it a blessing or an affliction) but the one thing I do know is that if it doesn’t make the grade, then it ain’t gonna be played (that and the fact I don’t need an iPod).

All three of Zenyth’s aforementioned tunes have achieved this dubious status. ‘Eyes Closed’ seems to be a Monday morning ‘just got to my desk’ favourite. ‘Blue Sky’ reserves itself for those long tedious train/car/plane/boat/canoe journeys (has to be a nice day though), and ‘Missing In Me’ likes to appear just after someone’s given me a bollocking (though not entirely confined to this situation). Probably too much information I know, but suffice to say that from the intro to the outro, to the solo and the breaks, taking in the la la-a-long bits and driving rhythms, each one has been put together with no small measure of love and certainly no small amount of talent.

In fact, the quality of the songwriting coupled with the veritable smorgasbord of guitar riffs, and then topped off by Paul Regan’s Jepson/Gillan/Tyler inspired vocals, make all four of the tracks on this disc an absolute listening pleasure.

But of course, I can’t write such a glowing review without getting a few digs in and, while I’m clutching at straws a bit here, ‘Joker’s Game’, being the other track on the CD, is the weakest on offer. Good things are going on such as the funky/hard rocking start and the excellent vocal harmonies/backing. Still, the main riff is a bit too one-dimensional (and doesn’t leave room for the second guitar to compliment it), and the tempo drop for the chorus doesn’t sit too comfortably after such power packed verse.

But I am being picky because, no matter which way I look at it, I love these songs. Thus, if they can put on a live show that comes anywhere near close to the quality shown here (and going by our live review, they are on the right track), then they’ll have a fair shot at being those ‘bona fide, limousine-riding, multi-million dollar selling, jet setting international rock stars’ that they want to be. And good luck to them.

Written by Habert on

Pete Habert was sub-editor for The Mag and co-ordinated submissions from the swarm of writers that contributed articles from their local music scenes.

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