Photo of Inés Adam and Martina Nintzel on the cover of the album/

Freak Scene LP

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If you ever wondered whether Argentina can produce a rock band, your wondering was answered with Pacifica’s 2023 album Freak Scene. It’s enjoyable, addictive, and full of energy.

The album was comfortably sitting on my desk, in the top right corner, and never felt like something that needed my attention because there was always something else to cover, listen to, or gigs to go to. Until I heard Pacifica’s ‘Anita’ on Apple Music.

Glad I did because their second LP is in the works recorded in the UK. So… Freak Scene.


The sound is solid for a band this new but we shouldn’t expect anything less from the duo – Inés Adam and Martina Nintzel – given they started their journey on YouTube, covering the works of others. The major influences for the album include The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Shania Twain, Wet Leg, and others. It’s all about indie/alternative rock, gorgeously simple but rocking the boat well enough to draw you in not letting you drown.

You can hear the variety flowing from touches of country to soft rock, you won’t be bored. It’s intriguing because it’s not a rule and many even well-established bands play what they know and don’t experiment.


One of the early things that hit you as you go from one song to another is the energy the album packs. From slower to faster songs, you hear joy or excitement stemming from getting their first album out, and being young and alive in this big weird world. In some ways, it’s almost irresponsible how inviting the music is. Inviting to live (carelessly) a little.

I find the energy quite enjoyable and addictive. It’s likely not comparable but… if you keep The Cure’s surprise album Songs of a Lost World on repeat, Pacifica punches you with the opposite feel. Sorry, Robert.

Pacifica – ‘With Or Without You’ (Official Music Video).


In terms of themes and lyrics, the sound is not solely to be blamed for the joy and the aforementioned bit of carelessness. And relationships – the present, past, and those that could but don’t have to. The presence and living is another great aspect many of the songs evoke – and maybe that’s a better wording to describe the album, maybe carelessness is too much.

‘Anita’ with ‘Don’t you understand / I don’t wanna hold your hand / Or listen to your band / I just wanna hear you say it / I need Anita, ah / I need Anita’ celebrates life by making it easy by just asking for what you want. The fourth song, ‘Hotel Bar’, outlines an alienation of two people, and closes with lovesongy ‘Silent Affection’.

Pacifica – ‘Anita’ (Official Music Video).


It’s a solid (late) discovery but a great start to 2025. I’ll keep an eye on their development to see which avenue they take. It’ll be interesting to see where they take their music in the future.

For the time being, check them out and let them spoil you with a bit of carelessness and joy. Live a little and maybe do something crazy tomorrow.

Written by Vinklarek on

Petr 'Pete' Vinklárek writes mainly about music. Prior to entering the digital industry, he taught Translation Studies & British and American Cinema at a university. In his spare time, he hikes, listens to podcasts, watches films, and writes poetry. Petr studied the English Language and Literature at The University of Ostrava; his master’s thesis covered some aspects of Warren Zevon's work.

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